Hello everyone, just a few thoughts today. Have any of you wondered why some of us fight successful actions? I talked with a friend of mine today that I used to work with..for over an hour! I only called for a simple question and we found ourselves talking about the "good ole days" at the job we both
worked at. I was hearing about what this person is now doing and what that person is now and I found myself once again wondering why I'm where I'm at and not working toward another goal?
My daughter is extremely intelligent, actually all of my kids are. Each one of them could really have excelled at high school but none of them had the determination or the desire to reach their full potential. I was not a good role model either. I've been one of these people that has constantly quit most things that are working toward my good. What got me thinking about this was my daughter has such low standards for herself. She reminds me of me and sometimes that's scary. She is smart enough to take on just about anything, but she doesn't think anyone would give her a chance so she just passes by those job openings that could give a leg up not only employment wise but also would do wonders for her self esteem.
I think each of us has a tape that plays in our heads that tells us what we should be thinking of ourselves based on the information it's been given, much like a computer does. It only puts out what's been put in. Apparently somewhere along the way, my children and myself were convinced that having goals were unrealistic and attempting to meet them would only lead to failure. My daughter is going to college right now and I honestly couldn't be more proud of her, but she is setting her sights pretty low, just in case, I think. My older son is capable of things you wouldn't believe, and apparently neither does he. He is content to just exist in this life. My youngest son is still finding his way. Trying to figure out which is more important, partying with your friends while you're young or getting started on figuring things out.
I truly believe that each of us should start paying attention to the things we say to ourselves. Yes, most of us do talk to ourselves. Some of us, more than others. What are we saying? Is it uplifting? Is it positive? Does it encourage us or discourage us? Do we tell ourselves we're fat or ugly? Do we ever tell ourselves that we're actually doing okay? What's on these tapes we listen to and should they be destroyed? I think if we made a conscious effort to listen to what we say to ourselves out loud or just unspoken thoughts we have, we would be surprised at how awful we are toward ourselves. We should read the Bible and see what our maker has to say about who we are! What kind of value we have and what sort of purpose we actually serve? I think we would be surprised. I know I was, and it's still something I struggle with because of those stupid tapes that were started from childhood. Be careful what you listen to. As a man thinketh, so is he........makes you think doesn't it? Anyway, I have work tomorrow and I'm looking forward to it. Take care of each other and tune out those tapes. Enter new data and become who you were meant to be. With love, Patty