Hello Everyone,
I've had a difficult time starting this blog back up. So many things have changed in my life and I guess I'll get to them one at a time. I really hoped to be able to share some of the wonderful lessons in life I've learned to help one individual from repeating my mistakes. It would be worth it right? I sure hope so but truthfully, who am I trying to kid? I'm still trying to grow up and learn from my own mistakes, but unfortunately, I keep making them over and over again. I will tell you something I learned this week, again.
Not long ago, my son and his girlfriend and I moved in together for a year. I'm expecting my grandchild any day, so keep your eyes peeled for updates. :-) It's hard having roommates especially when they're also family. It's been a real challenge to look at my son as my roommate and not as his mother and where is the line that changes me from Mom to roommate? I'm finding that line to be as curvy and changable and challenging as anything I've undertaken before. Wow, do I have a lot to learn!
This may sound like a "duh" to some of you, but to me......those lines are difficult to follow but easy to cross. I try very hard to be respectful of my roommates and all that implies, but the mother in me wants to continue to do some of the things that moms are used to doing. Things like laundry and cooking and picking up the living room and cleaning the kitchen and go to the grocery store. Unfortunately, sometimes the roommate steps in there and wants to complain because I'm doing most of the work and have none of the fun. Oh, and they seem to have more spending money than I do and don't you remember I loaned you that 10 bucks and picked up that stuff for you at the store? So that means that you owe me.....and this all makes sense to me until I'm reminded that hey, you're my son and as a mother I want to do these things. Being able to still be a part of my sons life is one of the most rewarding gifts I could possibly be given and on top of that. I get to be here when the baby comes. How many people are as blessed as I am? How do I walk that crazy messed up blurred and blessed line? And the biggest question of all is, how do I walk that line successfully without hurt feelings? .
Let me tell you, that's where the lesson comes in. It kind of all goes back to that whole kindergarden thing. Be polite, don't cut in line, hold hands when crossing the street, be nice, don't take anyone else's toys, don't stick out your tongue and treat others how you want to be treated. That last one is one of the most difficult things to do.
I don't always want to have to be kind and thankfully, they're my family and when I've had a difficult day, I don't treat them that way. I treat them like their my roommates. I attempt to give the same considerations I would give someone who I want to give a good impression to. Not like I would somebody who HAS to love me, do you know what I mean? I think that's the key to living in the same home as anybody. You should always treat the people you love BETTER than the way you'd treat a friend or someone you would want to give a good impression to. It seems like when I follow those principles......things go better. I keep that molehill from becoming a mountain. What really sucks is, this is not a lesson you learn once and can file it away for good measure. It's a lesson that keeps you on your toes and something you have to be mindfull of on a moment by moment basis.
Remember, to show people you love them with your behavior and your words and with respect that is due to those you admire. Be good to you and I hope to chat with you soon. Feel free to give me any feedback you may have...good or bad..I can take it. Patty
very informative. you have put many things into perspective for me. thank you. and I guarantee you are doing an amazing job.
ReplyDeleteI tried to let you know when I first read this but apparently it didn't accept my comment. I understand what your saying completely. Been there done that, things to me went well...however I can see the many differences that there were as learning lessons...it's never easy to live with family. .....but its going to be okay
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the comments on my blog. It's very nice to get some feedback and that what I say has an impact on someone. Please feel free to post a comment whenever you want.