Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The storm from within and the storm in the sky

Good Morning Everyone,

Yesterday was such an adventurist day. It started out simple enough, my sister and I walked her dogs and checked out the two thrift stores in town. Then it's time to head into Omaha to pick up my other sister. Now, by this time, I've already had more than enough exercise and it's not even noon yet. So, we get my sister and I home and now it's time to move this solid oak, beautiful dresser top mirror. Heavy as you can imagine. Well there was only two of us to move it and it couldn't be my sister. She had back surgery just a couple of weeks ago and is still recuperating. So, thankfully my future son-in-law steps up and helps me take it up the steps to our apartment. Ouch.....did I say OUCH, because I had the most agonizing pain shoot right up from my lower back on the left side through to the center of my lower back, and up it went.

But wait, there's more. I was sitting there at my desk, looking through all the notifications on my computer that I'd missed during the day. Just minding my own business when all of a sudden I hear this knocking sound on the windows and I realize we are getting pounded with hail......did not expect this.....I was busy earlier and had no idea we had rough weather coming our way. Besides, Blair almost never gets the bad stuff. No problem, right?! NOT!! It's fortunate for my sister and I that we live on the 2nd floor because all of the people downstairs along the west side of the building had all their windows broke out. Four out of five vehicles in the parking lot had windows broken. My sister's windshield got spider-webbed. I can honestly say that I've been in and out of Blair since my high school years, back in the dark ages...lol.....and I have NEVER seen it hit this bad in Blair. I still have a piece of hail in the freezer that's a fairly good size and I picked it up a good 20 minutes after the storm had passed, so you know it had to have melted some during that time. The weird thing is, I was afraid. I never get scared during storms. I usually get an adrenaline rush. I believe this stems from my young formative years when my dad was still alive and he would put us all in the car and we would drive all over chasing tornadoes. I was brought up to find them fascinating, not scary. But, there wasn't a tornado warning, just very high winds and large hail. Could have fooled me.

My other sister had all her windows in her little house broken out and the rear window of her car has baseball size holes in it. She is devastated. She jokes that now her car is dimpled like her behind....lol, she always manages to see the funny side of things. I love you Mel.

Needless to say, my body has responded to the physical stress and also the mental stress of last nights storms. But my grandson Pax, should be here soon and I look forward to having my mind taken off my physical body pain right now. His smile lights up my entire day. It's moments like that, makes me thankful to be alive. I try pretty hard to not sweat the small stuff. Sometimes I succeed and other times I fail miserably. I'm going to try to post a picture of the piece of hail I picked up, so hopefully I don't mess that up. Regardless, I would like to share with you one of my favorite verses out of the book of Psalms 91:1-2 "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, "My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust!""

Until next time, be wise, be kind, be true and never fear what may come your way, The Lord is able to keep you in perfect peace, regardless of the circumstances......if you allow Him. Love each other, Love, Patty

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