Saturday, February 20, 2016

A Kiss of Encouragement

Good Morning Everyone,

I am trying to be a better person. This morning I found myself reading in the book of Isaiah in chapter 35 and I came across the one of the most beautiful verses of things to come in the millennial kingdom in verses 1-2, ".....and the Arabah will rejoice and blossom; Like the crocus it will blossom profusely and rejoice with rejoicing and shout of joy........". If you're like me, you've probably read this many times and never gave it much thought. But, if what I'm reading is correct, then in the millennial kingdom, flowers will shout with joy! Can you even imagine a world like that? I have to say it filled me with joy this morning, just the thought of it. I can visualize what that will be like, maybe it was a gift from The Lord......a visual to be refreshed by with things to come. Maybe it's a pat on the shoulder, a kiss of encouragement in a time of frustration for me. This is what I have to look forward to; flowers that sing with joy. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but maybe I'm not.

There is hope, and I think that is the lesson here for me and maybe for you too. We're told not to lose hope. I try not to, but it's hard in this day and age of greed and political unrest. I've become kind of jaded. I don't always see things as they are. The way I feel plays way too big a part in my day to day functions. I forget to look toward a future that doesn't involve pain or death or greed with political unrest and wars and rumors of wars. Maybe it won't be today, but maybe it will. Nobody knows when these things will happen. But if you're looking at the way the world is today, it's never been riper for the prophecies to finally happen.

I just wanted to share a little joy with you this morning. My last post was an eye opener for those of us who don't look at the truth of who we really are at the core of our being. Choosing instead to look through a blind eye at the choices we've made and how they've affected others. Looking at truth doesn't always have to be a reprimand. Sometimes truth is not painful. In fact, truth is made to be freeing. I don't hold those truths about myself close to my head and heart. I don't mind being an open book. I'd rather be truthful about my ugly parts and my beautiful parts. I am who I am and today that makes me peaceful. My prayer for you is that your truth makes you peaceful as well. I hope you find hope in the future that has been created for us. I hope the thought of flowers singing with joy brings you to a place of excitement for things to come.

For today as always, Be Wise, Be Kind, Be True, with all my love, Patty

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