Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Freedom can be found in a cage.

It is so hard to keep perspective.   I was talking with someone the other night and they asked me how I felt about something.  What difference does that make??  Seriously?  My feelings are not the truth!  I may feel like my head is killing me, but I KNOW that's not true, it's just how I feel when I have a headache or a migraine.  I have times when I feel lonely but there are others around me.  My point is, just because you feel something, doesn't mean it's true.  That puts a monkey wrench in things.  Especially if this is a new concept for you.  

I've heard the statement that "Happiness is a choice", a decision, something anyone can have regardless of what's going on.  Books have been written on the subject, endless books.  I do believe that statement.  I may not act like I believe it a lot of the times, but I do believe that I can be happy regardless of my circumstances.
In fact, I was telling my aunt the other night that one of the most peaceful times in my life was the 4 months I spent in jail back in 2000.  What I was there for is a whole other blog.  ;-)  My life was in shambles, believe me.  One of my younger sisters died the day before I was supposed to turn myself in.  She died of cancer.  She was only 32 and she left behind 2 young boys.  Two months later, sitting in county jail, my best friend died suddenly.  I had no idea he was even sick.   Everything was out of my control.  I couldn't choose my meals or my clothes or go anywhere or fix anything.  I couldn't console anyone.  The only thing I could control was my response to my situation.  I didn't worry about anything because there was not a single thing I could do to change anything.  That was FREEDOM!!!!

I sometimes get caught up in my feelings.  There are times when I linger on thoughts that are not helpful for anyone.  My physical pain can sometimes turn my perspective completely upside down and I'm left with these very depressed feelings.  The choices I've made in the past sometimes haunt me and bring me down.  It's really hard to keep perspective when these things occur.  I just have to remember that it's difficult to be sad when your dancing or singing along to the radio or helping someone who is really thankful for your help.  So try to keep perspective and ask the way I'm feeling....the truth?  Does it have to be this way?  Is there something I can do to see things clearer?  In the end, when I'm no longer on this earth, will this situation be of any importance?  Now that's perspective!

Until next time, take care of each other, and yourself.  And don't allow yourself to believe what isn't truth.
with love, Patty

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