Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Things are tough all over

Do you have Fibromyalgia?  For those of us who do, let me tell you, there are several things you should know.
1.  I cannot just snap out of it, put my best foot forward and just do it.
2.  You have no idea what kind of pain I'm experiencing.  If you did, you would know that previous statement is offensive.
3.  I DO know there are others out there with lives worse than mine.  However, I don't live their lives.  I live mine and some days it's extremely difficult.

Fibromyalgia takes so much out of a person.  I have found that you can explain and explain til your blue in the face and guess one hears you.  I am seen as lazy, depressed (which is true by the way) and all I need to do is snap out of it.  When fibro is in control....all my nerves are in high gear.  This explains why when I do go to the dentist, it is soooo painful.  Sometimes sounds can trigger an attack or smells or let me think....STRESS by some chance????

When you are a single woman trying to make your own way in this world do you really think I don't know that missing 3 UNPAID days of work in a paycheck is in my best interest?  Do you really think I need to be told this?  Do you really think I'm planning on some miracle?  That I'm not worried about Christmas coming and not having gifts for my kids or the ladies at Bible study?

I worry, I worry alot.  I have many things to worry about.  Fibromyalgia is one of the most misunderstood diagnosis' out there.  Those who don't have it, have a hard time believing we REALLY are experiencing this pain, this complete exhaustion, this debilitating depression.

I've been told not to try to make people understand because unless they have it, they won't get it.  I'm seen as week minded and unable to just snap out of things.  That's not me.  I beat drugs, poverty, things you only read about.  But this disease is kicking my behind.  I guess I just needed to sound off a little bit.  If you have a loved one who has this disease and maybe you're tired of hearing about it.  Give it a rest and do yourself a favor.  Read up on it.  Educate yourself on the symptoms and what can happen to a person experiencing them.  In the mean time, take care of each other and yourself.  I have to go to bed early because I NEED to go to work tomorrow even though, every fiber of my being is in pain.  Til next time, love Patty

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