Sunday, May 4, 2014

Ancestors beware: I WILL find you

Good Morning everyone,

Today is Cinco De Mayo for those who celebrate that, enjoy all the cultural choices at your disposal today. I know Omaha has helped celebrate for many many years. More often in the south area of Omaha, so go get your grub on. Today, I got to thinking about my own back ground and heritage. I've been brought up to believe that I am mostly German, with some Norwegian and some English in me. A few years back, I was informed that I have Irish in me too.....wondered where those freckles and red hair came from when I was little. Now, I've learned that my ancestors came from Austria and there may just be some Jewish in me too. I'm looking forward to learning more about the different cultures that have made me who I am today. Of course I'll share those findings, even if you really don't care. :-)

I believe I've mentioned in previous posts that I grew up not knowing any of my dads side of the family. My father died when I was young and my memories of him are shaky at best. There are only about 5 pictures I've ever seen of him. You can imagine how blown away I've been by the amount of family I have on my dads side. I have half-siblings, nieces and nephews galore. I've never met any of them. Although I have talked to a brother of mine once about 6 or 7 years ago and spoke with a niece the other day for quite a long time. They are all kind of centered together not too many states away. My goal is to go to one of their family reunions so I can meet this family I grew up without. It's amazing to see some of their pictures that they have shared on Facebook. I am so thankful for this social media outlet. If it weren't for Facebook and the like, I would not have known how many cousins I actually have, let alone all the rest. So, thank you Facebook.

It's sad really. All that support and family that could have been mine. I can't help but wonder how different my life would have turned out if my father hadn't died so young. I obviously have no way of knowing the answer to that question. However, if I can use what I've seen on facebook as an indication......they seem to be very close to each other. They all know each other and they love each other and it really does show. It's kind of nice to see some family resemblance in some of their pictures.

It gives me hope to know that one day I'll meet this family of mine and will be accepted as one of their own. Until that happens I will just enjoy the posts they share and get to know them that way. Today I will leave you with a verse from the book of John, spoken by Jesus in chapter 15:17, "This I command you, that you love one another". Such a simple statement with worlds of meaning inside. Please continue to pray for me for my depression and pain. I appreciate that so much. Love, Patty

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