Good Morning Everyone,
I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to talk about today. I suppose I may have lost some of you yesterday due to the information I provided from my past. I hope that is not the case. I try very hard to be honest with others but that doesn't always have a positive outcome. Sometimes, people can't handle the truth. I think that's true for a lot of people. I, for one, appreciate truth. I'd rather be told one truth, then 5 lies to make me feel better. I'm very aware of my faults and I accept them. That doesn't mean I like them. It is what it is. You know?
I was reading this morning in the Bible and was reading John chapter 16.....there are so many good verses to take from that chapter alone. So much of what Jesus says is appropriate for today. II Timothy 3:16-17 says that "All scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work." That just kind of came to me out of the blue, it must mean that I need to go with that a little bit. There is so much going on with our world today. It's very scary times we live in. Wars and rumors of wars.....sound familiar? It should. Have courage, because this too shall pass. And as I've said before, I've read the Book and the good guys win.
I want to go back and clarify something about honesty. Honesty is important, but it also changes as we grow. Let me explain. I can look at someone and say they are not attractive upon meeting them. However, as you get to know someone, their inner beauty comes out and someone you wouldn't have been attracted to begin with, is suddenly someone you have come to love. I think it's important to take the time to get to know people. With all the dating sites out there and those little 5 minute meet and greet type things. How would you ever decide who you could love? All I'm saying is to take the time to know someone before you write them off. Friendship first creates a foundation that is not easily broken. You have to be able to know a person before you decide who they are to you.
Now, how do I bring all this random stuff together? Actually it's not random at all. These are things I'm thinking about. On the one hand, there is scripture which is there to help me make decisions for whatever questions I may have. On the other hand is all this scary stuff like wars and possibly dating. Believe me, both things are equally scary. But, if you put things in perspective it's not so scary. Jesus already said in John 16:1 "These things I have spoken to you that you may be kept from stumbling." That really is more important to me than anything else. We have the tools, but are we willing? Which translates into, I have the tools, and am I willing? I don't have to worry about what ever may come. I have the answers right in front of me. Not only for the big things, but the small things too. That's comforting for me to know. I pray it comforts you too.
Take care of each other, these are perilous times. We need each other. Love, Patty
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