Thursday, May 8, 2014

Where do I fit in?

Good Morning everyone,

Today I'm going to go outside of my comfort zone. The first thing I want to say is I heard that the unemployment rate is lower than blah, blah, blah. I can tell you how that happened. It's only lower because they cut people off of unemployment. So there are a whole group of people out there who are not employed and who "don't qualify anymore" who are just surviving on the generosity of family and friends. That low unemployment rate is NOT accurate and they know this but, it does look impressive on paper doesn't it. I was cut off after 20 weeks or so. Technically I don't qualify for it anymore anyway, but that's not the point. The point is that I should be included in that statistic, instead.....I'm kind of off the grid so to speak. So, what category am I in? Where do I fit in?

Okay, Okay, enough of american politics. This is supposed to be the good life here in Nebraska. Our sign as you enter the state says so. I tell you what I've learned today......if a politician is speaking, then.....whatever you do.....don't listen. It's bound to bring you down.

I have had to force myself to remember the Bible, it has all the answers in there. The best part is, the good guys win at the end. I truly believe that is true. All this stupid stuff like politics and democrats and republicans and people like me who don't have a preference for either party, but instead vote for the person, not the party. None of that makes a bit of difference. What will be, will be! It doesn't matter who we put into office, God is in control of the outcome. It doesn't matter by what route He comes through. He will take over and for that I'm so thankful. It makes me feel better when I look at my grandchildren and the world we've created for them. It's shameful and sad. We've allowed electronics and computers and phones to take over our social skills. I'm one of them by writing this blog, but so far I haven't made any money so it really doesn't count. However, I can say that I'm not a very social person anymore. But that has more to do with pain and depression than it does with my social skills. So, I don't count.

Well, this is not at all the kind of thing I'd planned to write. In fact, I have no idea where all this is coming from. I am a willing vessel though, so you're going to get this post regardless. It's not like there's a whole lot of people that are influenced by my words. Hopefully, you're more influenced by Gods Word.

Today I leave you with a verse of promise found in John 14:2-3 the words written in red, read " In My Father's house are many dwelling places: if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you to Myself that where I am, there you may be also."

So you see, that's where I fit in. Right where I should be; in My Father's house. I ask for continued prayer and that you would all take care of each other and yourself, until next time.....Love, Patty

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