Good Morning Everyone,
Today I turned 50 years old. Yeah, I know, I had the same reaction. It's strange to think of that number applying to me. My body may be 50 or even a larger number, but my mind still sees me as a young woman, sometimes a child. It seems a lifetime can be experienced many times within ones own life. Does that make sense to anyone but me? Don't you sometimes feel like you've already lived several lives? I think about my life as a child and even that was several lifetimes in and of itself, due to so many different life altering things that took place when I was young. By the time I was 12 years old, I'd lost my father, moved too many times to count, had a tornado on my birthday that took a whole lot of Omaha with it and my mother was held hostage, being the only one of 3 to be unharmed physically. And that's just some of the highlights. Thankfully, not all of my life has been that difficult.
Everyone has a story to tell, some are sadder than others. But each story is individual and uniquely experienced. No one will ever tell the exact same story as someone else because the perspective is different from different viewpoints. I thank God for that. We each are given a measure of difficult life circumstances. It doesn't always involve how much money one is brought up with either. I didn't always feel that way. I can remember thinking that if I just had all my bills taken care of, I could be happy. But as I've matured, of course that is not the truth. Happiness is not something you attain and always have from that point on. It's not a possession that one can buy.....though many have tried. Happiness is not a destination, or a person. Happiness can only be attained after you obtain something else.....contentment. I've seen contentment explained as being satisfied, but more accurately as "willing to accept circumstances". So I guess, sometimes I'm content and other times I'm not. So I believe that makes me a member of the human race.
Today I leave you with Phillippians 4:11-13 "Not that I speak from want; for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." I pray these words for myself and all of you who read this. I believe I can say with sincerity, my life is beginning brand new today. After all everything else was half a century ago. Be good to each other, love Patty
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