Good Morning Everyone,
As many of you know, I struggle with chronic pain brought on my Fibromyalgia, Degenerative Disc Disease, Osteoarthritis, Depression and PTSD. There, that's all of them laid out for you. There are some days that I appear to be normal. Actually, most days I appear normal, unless you count the days that I look hunched back. I think there are a lot of people, Doctors included who have no idea what Fibromyalgia actually is. I think that's because it's many different symptoms, which can appear random. But, if you're educated on the illness, you would realize that fibromyalgia or fibro as I usually refer to it, follows along the nerves in your body. So wherever you have nerves, you can potentially have pain there. There are nerves all over our body. There are days when I can point to a SPOT on my head that hurts deeply. Other days, my arms are just in so much pain. But, It's always in my lower back and my knees......always. This would be due to the other illnesses.
What makes these physical things difficult is that I also suffer from Depression and occasionally, PTSD, which is post traumatic stress disorder. PTSD is usually reserved for people coming back from war. I believe that's where the term originated from. However, there are many of us that have had traumatic events both physically and mentally that have altered our lives in ways that have damaged us. I guess that's as good a way to put it as any. The amount of people that suffer from these silent, non-visual illnesses is climbing every day. Yet, most people will tell you in their helpful way to snap out of it......if you would just be more active you would feel better........let go, let look fine......all of these little sayings are from people who are trying to help....they think. Actually, it's more damaging. It makes those of us who suffer feel inadequate, like maybe they're right and that causes us to do too much, which of course, brings on another couple of days of recuperation. It's a viscous never-ending circle. When we feel good, we do too much, due to trying to catch up on all the things we weren't able to do for the previous who knows how many days.
All I really want to express here is to be aware. Sometimes people are suffering even though they're smiling. Sometimes, people are in a lot of pain, even though they are standing upright and walking around at the store. Sometimes, people are so emotionally drained after a night of nightmares, reliving some of our trauma that holding our end of a conversation is just too much.
It was not my intent to have anyone feel sorry for anyone, especially me. But, to educate you on what others, like me, might be enduring. Your helpful words can sometimes cause more pain. Sometimes a hug is more than a person can handle. Proceed with caution would be a good way to begin. Awareness can make all the difference in the world. Today I leave you with one of my favorite verses in Phillipians chapter 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me." While this is true, it's not always in the timely fashion I would hope for. Take care of each other and don't neglect yourself. Love, Patty
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