Hello Everyone,
I sit here at this computer day after day and sometimes I get a little lost of what is worth sharing with you. I admit sometimes I have to dig a little deeper in order to have anything of value. Sometimes I fail, miserably. Today feels like it's going to be one of those days.
I was reading The Word this morning and I've been in the Book of John recently and today I read chapters 9 and 10. All through these two chapters He's telling the jewish leaders who He is. They don't put their pride aside long enough to believe that He just might be exactly what He claims to be.....The Son of God. He states "before Abraham was, I Am". If that's not blatantly saying He is the son of God and God himself I don't know how else that could be taken. Do you? All I really want to say about that is that either Jesus was exactly who He claimed to be or He was a liar, not a good teacher. There really isn't a middle ground there. A person can't just overlook those words "before Abraham was, I Am". That makes Him God. Not just a good teacher.
I don't know why I felt the need to say that this morning. Probably because I just read about it. My intended topic was about choices. Choices we make on a daily basis, usually without even thinking. We probably by rote make our coffee in our preferred way without even stopping to think about it. We just go about our day doing whatever comes next. It's not a bad thing. It is peculiar though. In a way, we've become short sighted. We miss the big picture. I don't know what your big picture is. Maybe these things never cross your mind.
I say short sighted because we don't come close to achieving what may have been what we were designed to do. Maybe, I was meant to be a Teacher of some sort. Perhaps, a singer or a Pastor or maybe something really cool like a rocket scientist. Although I'd have to admit that science never really turned my head. I believe that our science is a small blip in the grand scheme of things. There are just certain things we're not meant to understand yet.
So, back to my topic, which is choices. I believe the choices we make are important ones. We choose to start our day negatively or positively or perhaps even stoic. I believe that we make most of our decisions based on our feelings rather than what we know to be correct. I could sit here and tell you that I make correct choices most of the time. I rarely dip into my emotional storage to make a decision but actually, I just made myself LOL....literally laugh out loud. We have to remember that our feelings aren't accurate. Our feelings lie to us. We may feel ugly but in reality we are made in a wonderful and miraculous way. We are created in His image, therefore how can we be ugly. Our choices on the other hand can make us ugly. We may feel depressed, but once again, that's a choice, not a truth. BIG DIFFERENCE!! Are you getting me yet?
Today I choose to make a difference somehow. I don't know what that difference is going to be, I'm still drinking coffee. Technically, my eyes aren't even open yet. But I have faith that today will be good. The sun may not shine, but I will. I choose to be sunny and warm with a chance of short sightedness. Haha. I am a human being, not perfect. I am choosing to be happy but my choices may not reflect that decision. So pray for me. Lord knows I could use the help. Until next time, love each other and see yourself clearly. Love, Patty
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