Thursday, April 24, 2014


Good Morning everyone,

My awake hours are slowly trying to turn me into a night owl again. I have to really make an effort to keep that from happening. I enjoy being a day walker. :-)

Let's talk about trust today. Trust is something that we are born with. As infants, we automatically trust because we have no other choice. We count on our new family to care for our every need. They carry us where we need to go. They feed us when we need food. They take care of our most intimate needs like cleaning our rear-ends. If our mothers don't care for us, we die. It is trust to the Nth degree.

Somewhere between birth and the rest of life, we lose that ability to just believe our needs will be met. People let us down. It's not something someone deliberately chooses. We don't wake up one day and say to ourselves. I'm not going to trust anyone anymore. For some, it happens slowly. We have a need that isn't met. For example, when I was little we moved to Omaha without my dad. None of us ever saw him again as he died not long after that. My mother raised us 5 girls by herself. It was difficult for her and many of our NEEDS went unmet. She didn't set out to deprive us. She was just incapable of seeing clearly past her own needs. Many times we as children were hungry and without the daily necessities of life like toothpaste or shampoo. It began a cycle of distrust. Trust is still something I struggle with on a daily basis.

I believe that The Lord loves me as His child. For whatever reason it was allowed that we as a family should suffer. I will probably never understand His reasoning or why all those things were allowed to occur. As a result, I struggle sometimes on a minute by minute basis, to trust my innermost needs will be met.

My needs have changed drastically as I've aged. Things that I thought were NEEDED are not actually necessary for survival. I don't require the same things I required when I was say, in my 20's or 30's. But, the basic needs are the same for everyone. I still need food, toothpaste and shampoo. Even though I have no income right now, I'm finding my needs one by one are being fulfilled and as a result I'm relearning how to trust again. People let us down. It's human nature. We struggle, we fail and we ultimately all end up on our knees. Maybe that's where we should begin our days rather than waiting til there are no options left.

The Lord keeps His promises. I trust that to be true. While I might struggle to trust He will meet my needs, He patiently waits for me to get my grip on what is true and right and honest. The Lord will accomplish what concerns me. Ps 138:8.

Until next time, take care of each other and trust that your needs will be met. Start each day on your knees and it just might make you stand a little taller. Love, Patty

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